All users added within the first 30 days will remain free forever.
If you do not add any other users after 30 days, you will continue to use BookyWay for free.
ONLY 1,50 € or £ or $ *
If after 30 days you do not insert any more users, you will not have to pay anything and you can continue using the service.
*+VAT (22%) for EU companies not registered with VIES and for all private individuals. Click here to find out more about VIES
Countries Using the USD: American Samoa – Bonaire – Canada – Ecuador – Micronesia – Guam – British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) -Mexico -Marshall Islands – Northern Mariana Islands – Panama – Palau – Puerto Rico – El Salvador – Turks and Caicos Islands – Timor-Leste – United States Minor Outlying Islands – United States of America – British Virgin Islands – United States Virgin Islands – Zimbabwe
** This means, for example, that by paying 1 credit for James Miller, I will be able to keep him informed about my activities, allow him to sign up and pay through the app, without having to pay anything else in the future.
Associating an email with a user without an email after the 30-day free insertion period will deduct one credit.
To allow you to compare with other platforms with a subscription model, we have created this „game” that will give you an idea of how much you will spend on average per month.
of credits for customer registration with PayPal or credit card.