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Booky, l'assistente di Bookyway

Mai jos veți putea găsi tutorialul video care vă este necesar pentru a utiliza optim numeroasele funcționalități BookyWay: pornind de la introducerea datelor centrului Dvs. în BookyWay (care vor fi apoi vizibile din aplicație) până la crearea de planificări de lecții și cursuri, utilizarea funcțiilor de notificare, personalizarea aplicației, crearea de fișe de antrenament (pentru centrele sportive) și multe altele.

BookyWay, quick start guide

How to start using BookyWay in a few very simple steps.

Creating lessons and activities

How to create the schedule of activities, classes, or events for your center. What appears on the client’s app and how they can sign up or join the waiting list.


How to create your centre’s course schedule. Difference between lessons and courses. What appears on the customer’s app and how they can sign up or get on the waiting list.

Daily activities and all activities

In this video tutorial we will see how the activities list and the activities of the day work.

Booking options

In this tutorial we will see how BookyWay’s booking options work.

Waiting list

In this tutorial we will see how BookyWay waiting list works.

Activities visibility limits

In this tutorial we will see how BookyWay’s activities visibility limit works.

Bulletin board and push notifications

In this video tutorial we will see how BookyWay’s virtual bulletin board and push notifications work.

How to Add a Client with BookyWay

How to use Credits on activities with the same price with BookyWay

How to use Credits on activities with different prices

Manage multiple businesses using the same App BookyWay

How to add a Family Member

How to JOIN a LIVE Video Class with SKYPE / ZOOM / HANGOUTS

How to customize the App wallpaper – NEW FEATURE

How to extract the Attendance Report


How to Create a Media

How to convert a LIVE class into a Media

How to assign Instructors to a class

How to Create a Workout Card

How to create a personalized workout exercise uploading a new image