I don’t have a credit card or a PayPal account, can I pay by bank transfer?

Only in exceptional cases.

The reason we do not accept payment by bank transfer is that the system is fully automated to load credits concurrently with the purchase. A prepaid credit card can also be used.

When it is not possible to purchase via PayPal or credit card for specific reasons, we accept bank transfers but only for amounts of more than 200 credits (with the standard purchase, you can also buy as few as 10 credits). This is because it involves a whole manual procedure and support for crediting accounts. By setting a limit on the amount, we can significantly reduce the total number of transfers, thus managing them and assisting these customers better.

Remember that our credits do not expire and always remain valid.

If you decide to pay by bank transfer, Please write us an email to the support mailbox (see address below) indicating the number of credits you wish to purchase so we can reply with the amount and the appropriate payment reference.

Our banking details are as follows:

Name: Gymtrainer S.r.l.
IBAN: IT91C0832259790000000813466

If you do not find an answer to what you were looking for, contact us at support@bookyway.com