19 August 2024
We have created a new menu with a shopping cart icon within the user profile.
By clicking this menu, you can view all in-app purchases made by the user.
We have also added a new button that allows you to download the credit usage report for each individual user.
This button can be accessed by entering the user’s profile, in the credits section.
5 August 2024
We have created a new menu called “Global Booking Options” that replaces the old “Settings Course/Class/Activity” menu and the “Expirations – Preferences” menu.
This menu can be accessed from the dropdown menu inside SETTINGS.
On this page, you can modify the Membership Expiration, the Medical Certificate Expiration, and the Custom Expiration. By changing the deadline settings, a summary of the effects of these changes will appear at the bottom.
On this page, you will also find the setting for the Weekly Booking Limit (from Monday to Sunday) that can be set for all users (it can also be customized for individual users by entering their profile).
You can also decide whether to leave the waiting list with the “automatic” functionality or set it to “manual” mode. “Automatic” means that when spots become available, users on the waiting list will be automatically enrolled and notified; “manual” means that the administrator will have to do it manually.
A very interesting new feature is this new “SURPRISE ME” button…
… by clicking it, you will see everything that all users can or cannot do based on the settings you have decided to apply.
NOTE: It is still possible to apply customized settings from each user’s profile.
June 6, 2024
Both in the user’s credit report and in the report downloadable from the Reports section it is now possible to see which administrator has carried out an operation that has an impact on user credits such as: Adding or removing credits, user registrations and unsubscriptions.
This feature will allow the center owner to monitor or report on the activities of their administrators.
In the user’s credit report you have all this information available indicated by a symbol found in the legend:
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