To manage the registration or deregistration of a client for multiple classes, follow these steps:
- Search for the client’s name in the Users section.
- Click on the calendar icon next to their name.
- SullaOn the right, you will see a list of activities the client is currently registered for (if any). Just below, you’ll find a button labeled “Multiple Booking/Deregistration”.
- Clicking this button will open a page displaying your schedule. Activities the client is already registered for will be highlighted.

To deregister the client from certain activities:
- Click “Cancel Booking” next to the classes you wish to remove them from.
To register the client for multiple classes simultaneously:
- Use the filters at the top to select the desired activities.
- Click “Select All” to include all filtered classes.
- Press the “Book Selected Activities” button.
The client will be automatically enrolled in the selected classes and will receive ONLY one email notification after saving.