Use two or more BookyWay accounts to manage your center.

Why create more accounts?
Here are a few great reasons why you should consider it:

🏪 🏩 Manage multiple centers separately: if you have multiple locations, more accounts allow you to keep them optimally organized.

🧘🏻‍♀️ 🏊🏼‍♀️ Distinction of activities: to manage fundamentally different activities on separate calendars and reduce confusion. For example, a multifunctional center that wants to manage swimming activities separately from gym sessions, online activities, or sauna access.

😎 Tailored solutions for your business model: to manage bookings that require complicated settings that you couldn’t resolve by keeping all your activities on a single account. 

🎯 Targeted visibility for customers: show specific activities only to the customers you want, while keeping the rest of the center accessible to others.

Useful information for managing multiple accounts:

☺️ New free trial period: each new account you create will have a new free trial period. You can transfer customers already registered in the first account at no additional cost!

🖥️ Simple and practical access: you can keep all accounts open on the same device by using your browser’s private browsing mode.

🧘🏻‍♀️ 🏊🏼‍♀️ Ease for customers: customers registered in multiple accounts can switch between centers with a simple tap in the “Account” section, and on each account, you can have a different home page that best represents that activity.

💰 Credit management: credits loaded on one account remain specific to that account, but you can transfer them manually if necessary.

👭🏻 Customer duplication: after the trial month, if you need to add a new customer to both centers, a credit is required for each account.

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